It’s never too early to start planning your UMS itinerary! The showcase is only 22 days away and ALL of our artists will be there. Below is the where and when:
Friday, July 19:
- 7:00 Esme Patterson @ Three Kings Tavern
- 11:59 A. Tom Collins @ Three Kings Tavern
Saturday, July 20:
- 6:00 The Epilogues @ Main Stage at GoodwillÂ
- 7:00 Ian Cooke (Solo) @ S Broadway Christian Church
- 9:00 Chris Heckman of The Epilogues @ S Broadway Christian Church
- 11:00 Snake Rattle Rattle Snake @ The Hi-Dive
- 11:00 – 1:00 am Ben Roy and Adam Cayton-Holland at the High Plains Comedy Fest showcase @ the Hornet
Sunday, July 21:
- 11:00 Esme Patterson – SpokesBUZZ industry party @ Irish Rover (discount code)
- 6:00 Ian Cooke Band @ Main Stage at Goodwill